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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(1): e20231526, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533967


Abstract Information regarding species occurrence is fundamental to understanding biodiversity distribution. However, the biodiversity from the west of the state of Paraná has been historically less studied, especially amphibians and reptiles. For this reason, we present the first reptile list of species from the west of the state of Paraná and extend the current list of anurans for the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu. The species list was based on a systematic field study conducted at Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista (RBV) a conservation area within the Hydroelectric Power Itaipu Binacional. We integrated the species list with previous species observations available in the literature for the same place where our sampling was conducted. A total of 41 species of amphibians and reptiles are presented. All amphibians species found were recorded in the field; however, from the 22 species of reptiles recorded, three were historical records obtained before this study. Species were all classified as Least Concern and/or had stable populational status according to the IUCN. Sampling sufficiency was achieved for anurans but not for reptiles, probably due to low abundance of several snake species. The most abundant species of anuran was Dendropsophus nanus, from the Hylidae family, whereas Leptodactylus plaumanni and Scinax squalirostris were represented by only one individual each. The lizard Salvator merianae was the most abundant reptile, and seven species were represented by only one individual each. The most successful sampling method for adult anurans was active search in water bodies whereas most of reptile species were observed by accidental encounters and not through a systematic sampling method. We found that herpetofauna composition from RBV was similar to other communities from Paraná state that also occur within the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest. Finally, as additional information to the species list, we offer species identification keys and discuss the importance of Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista to harbor the anuran and reptile diversity of the region.

Resumo Informações sobre a ocorrência de espécies são fundamentais para a compreensão da distribuição da biodiversidade. Porém, a biodiversidade do oeste do Estado do Paraná tem sido historicamente menos estudada, especialmente a de anfíbios e répteis. Por esse motivo, apresentamos a primeira lista de espécies de répteis do oeste do Estado do Paraná e ampliamos a lista atual de anuros para o município de Foz do Iguaçu. A lista de espécies foi baseada em um estudo sistemático de campo realizado em uma área de conservação dentro da Usina Hidrelétrica Itaipu Binacional. Integramos a lista de espécies com observações de espécies anteriores disponíveis na literatura para o mesmo local onde nossa amostragem foi realizada. Um total de 41 espécies são apresentadas. Todas as espécies de anuros encontradas foram registradas em campo; entretanto, das 22 espécies de répteis registradas, três foram registros obtidos antes deste estudo. Todas as espécies foram classificadas como "Pouco Preocupante" e/ou tinham status de "População Estável" de acordo com a IUCN. A suficiência amostral foi alcançada para anuros, mas não para répteis, provavelmente devido à baixa abundância de diversas espécies de serpentes. A espécie de anuro mais abundante foi Dendropsophus nanus, da família Hylidae, enquanto Leptodactylus plaumanni e Scinax squalirostris foram representados por apenas um indivíduo cada. O lagarto Salvator merianae foi o réptil mais abundante, e sete espécies foram representadas por um indivíduo cada. O método de amostragem mais bem sucedido para anuros adultos foi a busca ativa em corpos d'água, enquanto a maioria das espécies de répteis foi observada por encontros acidentais e não através de um método de amostragem sistematizado. Descobrimos que a composição da herpetofauna do Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista foi semelhante à de outras comunidades do estado do Paraná que também ocorrem dentro da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual. Por fim, como informações adicionais à lista de espécies, oferecemos chaves de identificação das espécies e discutimos sobre a importância da área de Itaipu para abrigar a diversidade de anuros e répteis da região.

CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220263, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514029


ABSTRACT Purpose The purpose of the study was to develop the Tamil Matrix Sentence Test (TMST) and evaluate the performance of a group of young adults with normal hearing on the developed test. The developed sentences were also administered at varying intensities to obtain a performance-intensity (PI) function. Methods A base matrix with 10 sentences containing 5 words each with a total of 50 words was used to develop the TMST. The sentences had a fixed semantic sentence structure of Tamil language in the order of noun, number, adjective, object and verb. The developed test consisted of 30 lists with 10 sentences in each list. The performance of 60 young adults with normal hearing aged 18 to 24 years across the 30 lists were compared for list equivalency. To obtain the PI function the sentences were administered on 20 young adults with normal hearing at intensities from 20 dB HL to 100 dB HL in 10 dB increments. The performance across the intensity levels were compared. Results The 30 lists of TMST were found to be acoustically equivalent. However, few lists showed significant difference in the scores obtained on them compared to the rest of the lists. The PI function revealed a saturation in performance beyond 40 dB HL. Conclusion From the results it was construed that TMST can be used to evaluate the speech identification abilities of Tamil speaking listeners. Multiple lists offer the advantage of retesting without the influence of practice or listeners memorizing the test material.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(1): e20231574, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550073


Abstract Despite an economy based mostly on agriculture, literature on viral diseases of plants is scarce in Paraguay. Only recently, researches on plant viruses took an impulse resulting in a precise identification of many of them affecting plants either cultivated or not. To provide reliable information regarding plant viruses present in Paraguay, an annotated list of them was prepared, covering descriptions from 1920 to present day. There have been some important outbreaks with severe yield losses in crops as cucurbits, citrus, sesame, bean, maize, peanuts and tomato. Many of older descriptions are included for their historical significance, but most identifications made require confirmation. On the other hand, recent descriptions have been completed, based on several assays, especially molecular characterization. This list is organized alphabetically following scientific names of the plant species found naturally infected by viruses, with comments about symptoms, geographical distribution, incidence, identification procedures, and other information, with due literature references. It is based on a compilation of publications made on plant virus diseases in Paraguay. Described virus species, in a total of 38 recognized by ICTV, belonging to 17 different genera (Alphaendornavirus, Ampelovirus, Begomovirus, Benyvirus, Carlavirus, Cilevirus, Closterovirus, Comovirus, Cucumovirus, Dichorhavirus, Fabavirus, Luteovirus, Ophiovirus, Orthotospovirus, Potexvirus, Potyvirus and Tobamovirus), besides two unclassified, and four unidentified. There is also a case of viroid described in Citrus spp. Infections caused by potyviruses are the most numerous. These viruses were described in more than 40 plant species, belonging to 18 botanical families. Because of crop diversity and richness in native flora, many more viruses must be present in Paraguay, which future works will certainly reveal, especially with the increase in manpower involving researches, especially cooperative with foreign centers, on plant viruses, which has been very limited until now. Also, knowledge on existing viruses may have relevance in understanding their epidemiology and provide the basis for their control strategies and quarantine measures, to avoid new variants of existing viruses or new viruses being introduced.

Resumo A pesar de una economía basada principalmente en la agricultura, la literatura sobre enfermedades virales de las plantas es escasa en Paraguay. Sólo recientemente se han impulsado las investigaciones sobre los virus de plantas, lo que ha permitido identificar con precisión muchos de ellos que afectan a plantas cultivadas o no. Para brindar información confiable sobre los virus de plantas presentes en el Paraguay, se elaboró una lista comentada de los mismos, abarcando descripciones desde 1920 hasta la actualidad. Se han producido algunos focos importantes con severas pérdidas de rendimiento en cultivos de cucurbitáceas, cítricos, sésamo, frijol, maíz, maní y tomate. Muchas de las descripciones más antiguas se incluyen por su importancia histórica, pero la mayoría de las identificaciones realizadas requieren confirmación. Por otro lado, las descripciones recientes han sido completadas, basadas en varios ensayos, especialmente de caracterización molecular. Esta lista está organizada alfabéticamente siguiendo los nombres científicos de las especies de plantas que se encontraron naturalmente infectadas por virus, con comentarios sobre síntomas, distribución geográfica, incidencia, procedimientos de identificación y otras informaciones, con las debidas referencias bibliográficas. Se basa en una recopilación de publicaciones realizadas sobre enfermedades virales de plantas en Paraguay. Especies de virus descritas, en un total de 38 reconocidas por el ICTV, pertenecientes a 17 géneros diferentes (Alphaendornavirus, Ampelovirus, Begomovirus, Benyvirus, Carlavirus, Cilevirus, Closterovirus, Comovirus, Cucumovirus, Dichorhavirus, Fabavirus, Luteovirus, Ophiovirus, Orthotospovirus, Potexvirus, Potyvirus y Tobamovirus), además de dos sin clasificar y cuatro sin identificar. También existe un caso de un viroide descrito en Citrus spp. Las infecciones causadas por potyvirus son las más numerosas. Estos virus fueron descritos en más de 40 especies de plantas, pertenecientes a 18 familias botánicas. Debido a la diversidad de cultivos y la riqueza de la flora nativa, muchos más virus deben estar presentes en Paraguay, lo que seguramente revelarán trabajos futuros, especialmente con el aumento de la mano de obra involucrada en investigaciones, en cooperación con centros extranjeros, sobre virus de plantas, que ha sido muy limitada hasta el momento. Además, el conocimiento sobre los virus existentes puede ser relevante para comprender su epidemiología y proporcionar una base para sus estrategias de control y medidas de cuarentena, para evitar la introducción de nuevas variantes de virus existentes o nuevos virus.

Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1537988


Desde a consolidação de emissoras de rádio e TV no Pará, a mídia local propaga a ideia de uma "música paraense", título utilizado com frequência em uma série de eventos recentemente produzidos dentro e fora do estado. Ao contestar essa singularização, a presente pesquisa apresenta uma análise psicossociológica dos mecanismos que operam na inter-relação entre indústria cultural e formação de massas, utilizando como objeto privilegiado de estudo o espetáculo Terruá Pará. Visando tal intento, além do recurso à revisão bibliográfica, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental sobre parte do material impresso produzido para a terceira edição do festival. Em termos conclusivos, defende-se que o Terruá Pará, embora pautado por um discurso pretensamente racional em prol da valorização da música regional, torna-se dialeticamente promotor de irracionalidades expressas na sugestão de modos de subjetivação específicos que, desconsiderando diversidades, acabam por reduzir o seu público consumidor à qualidade de multidão abstrata

Since the consolidation of radio and TV broadcasters in Pará, local media has propagated the idea of a "Pará music," moniker often used in a series of events produced in and outside the State. By contesting such singularization, this psychosociological analysis unveils the mechanisms that mediate cultural industry and mass formation by analyzing the spectacle Terruá Pará. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was conducted, as well as a documentary research concerning part of the printed material produced for the festival's third edition. In conclusion, although Terruá Pará appears based on an allegedly rational discourse to value regional music, it dialectically promotes irrationalities expressed in specific modes of subjectivation that, disregarding diversity, reduce its consuming public to the quality of abstract crowd

Depuis la consolidation des stations de radio et télévision à l'état du Pará, les médias locaux ont diffusé l'idée d'une «musique paraense¼, expression souvent utilisée dans une série d'événements récemment produits dans cet état autant que dehors. En contestant cette singularisation, cette recherche présente une analyse psychosociologique des mécanismes agissant dans l'interrelation entre l'industrie culturelle et la formation des foules, en prenant comme objet principal d'étude le spectacle Terruá Pará. Dans ce but, outre le recours à l'étude bibliographique, on a mené une recherche documentaire sur une partie du matériel imprimé produit pour la troisième édition du festival. En conclusion, on soutient que Terruá Pará, bien que guidé par un discours prétendument rationnel en faveur de la valorisation de la musique régionale, devient dialectiquement promoteur d'irrationalités exprimées par la suggestion de modes de subjectivation spécifiques qui, en ignorant les diversités, finissent par réduire son public consommateur à une foule abstraite

Desde la consolidación de las estaciones de radio y televisión en Pará, los medios locales han difundido la "musica paraense", título de uso frecuente en eventos producidos dentro y fuera del Estado. Al impugnar esta singularización, esta investigación presenta un análisis psicosociológico de los mecanismos que operan en la interrelación entre la industria cultural y la formación de masas, utilizando como objeto privilegiado de estudio el espectáculo Terruá Pará. Además del uso de la revisión bibliográfica, fue llevada a cabo una investigación documental sobre parte del material producido para la tercera edición del festival. En conclusión, se argumenta que Terruá Pará, aunque guiado por un discurso supuestamente racional a favor de la valorización de la música regional, se convierte dialécticamente en promotor de irracionalidades expresadas en la sugerencia de modos específicos de subjetivación que, sin tener en cuenta las diversidades, reducen su público consumidor a la calidad de multitud abstracta

Cultural Characteristics , Popular Culture , Music , Narcissism , Capitalism , Belonging
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 202-213, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005432


This study aimed to identify the related substances of phloroglucinol injection by two-dimensional liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2D-LC-Q-TOF/MS). The first-dimensional separation was carried out on an HSS T3 (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) column by gradient elution using 1.36 g·L-1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer solution (pH adjusted to 3.0 with diluted phosphoric acid) and acetonitrile as the mobile phases. The separated components were then trapped in switch valve tube lines respectively and delivered to the second-dimensional desalting gradient elution which was performed with a BDS C18 (100 mm × 4.6 mm, 2.4 μm) column using 0.1% formic acid and methanol as the mobile phases. After rapid desalting, electrospray-ionization quadrupole time-of-flight high resolution mass spectrometry was used for determining the accurate masses and elemental compositions of the parents and their product ions for both phloroglucinol and its related substance. Structures of the related substances were then figured out by mass spectrometry elucidation, organic reaction mechanism analysis, and/or comparison with reference substances. Under the established analytical conditions, phloroglucinol and its related substances were adequately separated, 17 main related substances were detected and identified in the injection and its stressed samples for the first time. The identification results can provide reference for the quality control of phloroglucinol injection.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 42-47, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005252


ObjectiveTo establish a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method for rapid distinguishing Periplocae Cortex from Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex, so as to avoid the influence of genetic confusion on drug safety. MethodThe DSS-tagged sequences of Periplocae Cortex were obtained from the Chloroplast Genome Information Resource (CGIR) and analyzed to find the enzymatic cleavage sites that were different from those of Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex. The specific enzymatic cleavage site, Cla I, of Periplocae Cortex was selected, on the basis of which the primers for PCR-RFLP were designed. Furthermore, the factors such as annealing temperature, number of cycles, Taq enzyme, PCR instruments, and enzymatic treatment time that may influence PCR-RFLP were studied. The established PCR-RFLP method was applied to the identification of Periplocae Cortex, Acanthopanacis Cortex, and Lycii Cortex samples produced in different regions. ResultThe PCR-RFLP at the annealing temperature of 59 ℃ and with 40 cycles showed clear bands of the samples. When the enzyme digestion time was 30 min. The reaction produced the target bands at about 140 bp and 290 bp for both Periplocae Cortex and its original plant and only a band at about 430 bp for Acanthopanacis Cortex, Lycii Cortex, and their original plants. The method can accurately distinguish Periplocae Cortex from its confounders Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex. ConclusionThe PCR-RFLP method for distinguishing Periplocae Cortex from Acanthopanacis Cortex and Lycii Cortex was established. It has high stability, sensitivity, and applicability, providing a reference for the quality control of Periplocae Cortex, Acanthopanacis Cortex, and Lycii Cortex.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 35-41, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005251


ObjectiveTo identify Lycium chinense and L. barbarum as the original plants of Lycii Cortex simply and efficiently by multiple allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). MethodThe chloroplast genome sequences of L. chinense and L. barbarum were downloaded from the Chloroplast Genome Information Resource (CGIR), and then IdenDSS was employed to screen out the specific single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites between the two plants. Primer 5.0 was used to design the specific primers, including primers GQ-F/R for identifying L. chinense and primers NX-F/R for identifying L. barbarum. Furthermore, the primer concentration ratio, annealing temperature, cycles, and Taq enzyme were optimized to establish the optimal PCR system and conditions for plant identification. Finally, the applicability of the established method was examined with the plant samples collected from different regions. ResultThe PCR with GQ-F/R∶NX-F/R concentration ratio of 2∶1 at the annealing temperature at 59 ℃ and for 30 cycles showed specific bands at 183 bp and 295 bp, respectively, for L. chinense and L. barbarum samples from different regions. ConclusionThe established PCR approach can simply, rapidly, and efficiently identify the original plants of Lycii Cortex, serving as a new method for the discrimination between L. chinense and L. barbarum. Moreover, the method provides technical support for the research and development of classic famous prescriptions containing Lycii Cortex.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 1-11, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005247


Seeds are the source for the production of Chinese medicinal materials. The seed authenticity and quality of directly affect the effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicinal materials. The seed quality is faced with the problems such as mixed sources, existence of adulterants and seeds stocked for years, low maturity, and low purity. To ensure the high-quality and sustainable development of the Chinese medicinal material industry, it is urgent to standardize the seed market and identify and evaluate the quality of the seeds circulating in the market. Seed identification methods include visual inspection, microscopic observation, micro-character identification, chemical fingerprinting, molecular identification, electronic nose, X-ray diffraction, electrochemical fingerprinting, spectral imaging, and artificial intelligence. These methods have different application scopes and unique advantages and disadvantages. According to the different species of Chinese herbal medicines and different requirements of testing sites, suitable methods can be selected to achieve rapid and accurate identification with low costs. In the future, the seed identification methods should be developed based on emerging technologies with interdisciplinary knowledge, and intelligent, nondestructive, and single-grain detection methods are needed for the modern Chinese medicinal material industry. This paper introduces the seed identification technologies currently applied in research and production, compares the principles, applicability, advantages, and disadvantages of different technologies, and provides an outlook on the future development of seed identification technologies, aiming to provide a reference for the identification and quality evaluation of seeds of Chinese medicinal material.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 55-62, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005234


Objective To investigate the isolation and culture of porcine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell (BMSC) with α-1, 3-galactosyltransferase (GGTA1) gene knockout (GTKO), GTKO/ human CD46 (hCD46) insertion and cytidine monopho-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMAH)/GGTA1 gene knockout (Neu5GC/Gal), and the protective effect of co-culture with porcine islets on islet cells. Methods Bone marrow was extracted from different transgenic pigs modified with GTKO, GTKO/hCD46 and Neu5GC/Gal. Porcine BMSC were isolated by the whole bone marrow adherent method and then cultured. The morphology of BMSC was observed and the surface markers of BMSC were identified by flow cytometry. Meantime, the multi-directional differentiation induced by BMSC was observed, and the labeling and tracing of BMSC were realized by green fluorescent protein (GFP) transfection. The porcine BMSC transfected with GFP were co-cultured with porcine islet cells. Morphological changes of porcine islet cells were observed, and compared with those in the porcine islet cell alone culture group. Results BMSC derived from pigs were spindle-shaped in vitro, expressing biomarkers of CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105 and CD166 rather than CD34 and CD45. These cells were able to differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts and chondrocytes. Porcine BMSC with GFP transfection could be labeled and traced, which could be stably expressed in the daughter cells after cell division. Porcine BMSC exerted certain protective effect on islet cells. Conclusions GFP-labeled porcine BMSC modified with GTKO, GTKO/hCD46 and Neu5GC/Gal are successfully established, which exert certain protective effect upon islet cells.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514473


El crimen organizado se ha convertido en un flagelo a nivel internacional conformado por grupos al margen de la ley que realizan todo tipo de actividades que involucran desde tráfico de personas, secuestros, extorsiones, narcotráfico y muchos otros delitos. Producto de este fenómeno, la desaparición y ejecución de personas es cada día más frecuente, en muchos casos los cuerpos son quemados o desmembrados para impedir o hacer más difícil la identificación. La odontología forense se ha convertido en una disciplina transcendental en la identificación de cadáveres y restos óseos, además de contar con múltiples métodos para estimar la edad aproximada de una persona. Se presenta el caso de un descuartizamiento múltiple de tres individuos masculinos donde era indispensable identificar si alguno correspondía a una persona menor de 18 años.

Organized crime has become an international scourge made up of outlaw groups that carry out all kinds of activities ranging from human trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking and many more. As a result of this phenomenon, the disappearance and execution of people is becoming more frequent every day, in many cases the bodies are burned or dismembered to prevent or make identification more difficult. Forensic odontology has become a transcendental discipline in the identification of corpses and skeletal remains, in addition to having multiple methods to estimate the approximate age of a person. The case of a multiple dismemberment of three male individuals is presented, where it was essential to identify a person under 18 years of age.

Humans , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Crime Victims , Dentition , Forensic Dentistry/instrumentation , Calcification, Physiologic , Costa Rica , Molar, Third/pathology
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514476


Introducción: Aquellas personas que brindan atención en situaciones de emergencias están expuestas a un alto riesgo de sufrir lesiones o fallecer durante labores de rescate, sea en accidentes de tránsito, desastres naturales, atentados terroristas o crisis humanitarias generadas por conflictos armados. Esta investigación fue realizada en las personas trabajadoras de la Cruz Roja Costarricense (CRC) para establecer la percepción de la utilidad de los registros dentales como método de identificación y elaborar un formato único de información odontológica antemortem. Materiales y métodos: Un cuestionario piloto fue diseñado y aplicado a 10 personas para ser calibrado y validado. Posteriormente se generó un cuestionario electrónico final en la plataforma Google Forms que fue enviado vía correo electrónico institucional a las personas trabajadoras constituida por 175 individuos, de los cuales 92 respondieron en el período del 20 de noviembre de 2022 al 20 de enero de 2023. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante las distribuciones de frecuencia, cruce de variables, comparación de medias con base en el análisis de variancia. El nivel mínimo de confianza para las comparaciones fue del 95%. Resultados: El cuestionario fue realizado por 92 personas, 75% hombres y 25% mujeres. El rango de edad entre los 36 y 40 años fue el más frecuente (23.9%). El 60,9% labora en la provincia de San José, 58% indica que visitaron al odontólogo hace un año o menos y el 38,6% refiere que nunca les han tomado una radiografía panorámica, un 81,8% dice tener tratamientos dentales como coronas, puentes o implantes; y el 75% considera de gran utilidad los registros dentales como método de identificación, y lo ubican en segundo lugar de conocimiento (89,8%) al compararlo con ADN (97,7%) y dactiloscopia (86,4%). Conclusiones: Las personas trabajadoras de la Cruz Roja Costarricense consideran que los registros odontológicos son útiles en la identificación de seres humanos y cuentan con información antemortem útil para dicho efecto.

Introduction: Those who provide care in emergency situations are exposed to a high risk of injury or death during rescue work, whether in traffic accidents, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or humanitarian crises generated by armed conflicts. This research was carried out among Costa Rican Red Cross (CRC) workers to establish the perception of the usefulness of dental records as a method of identification and to develop a single format for antemortem dental information. Materials and methods: A pilot questionnaire was designed and applied to 10 persons to be calibrated and validated. Subsequently, a final electronic questionnaire was generated in the Google Forms platform and sent via institutional e-mail to 175 workers, of whom 92 responded during the period from November 20, 2022, to January 20, 2023. The results were analyzed by means of frequency distributions, crossing of variables, and comparison of means based on the analysis of variance. The minimum confidence level for comparisons was 95%. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 92 people, 75% men and 25% women. The age range between 36 and 40 years was the most frequent (23.9%). A total of 60.9% worked in the province of San José, 58% indicated that they had visited the dentist a year ago or less and 38.6% said that they had never had a panoramic X-ray taken, 81.8% said they had dental treatments such as crowns, bridges or implants; and 75% considered dental records to be very useful as a method of identification, and placed it in second place in terms of knowledge (89.8%) when compared with DNA (97.7%) and dactyloscopy (86.4%). Conclusions: Costa Rican Red Cross workers consider dental records to be useful in the identification of human beings and have useful antemortem information for this purpose.

Humans , Red Cross , Dental Records , Denture Identification Marking/methods , Forensic Medicine , Formulary, Dental
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 1384-1404, dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1537983


A identidade é um tema de grande relevância política e social na atualidade, seja quando tratamos de movimentos minoritários que buscam reconhecimento e direitos, seja pelo crescimento de movimentos reacionários que se fundam em identidades que excluem a diferença e promovem comportamentos sociais hostis a sujeitos alterizados. No campo psicanalítico, por vezes, se trata a questão identitária como alheia às nossas discussões, utilizando-se o argumento de que trabalhamos com identificações em vez de identidades e encerrando-se, apressadamente, o debate. Com este artigo, pretendemos afirmar a importância do tema da identidade para a psicanálise e discutir, junto aos estudos decoloniais, maneiras de pensar a questão que levem em conta os seus aspectos problemáticos e, ao mesmo tempo, coloquem em evidência modos de relação com as identidades que se direcionam para a relacionalidade e para o enfrentamento dos mecanismos de dominação do mundo contemporâneo. Buscamos, para tanto, tocar nas especificidades dos processos identitários nos contextos marcados pelos efeitos da colonialidade do poder e investigar como as obras freudiana e lacaniana podem fornecer caminhos para pensar a identidade de acordo com o direcionamento proposto por este estudo.

Identity is a highly relevant political and social theme in contemporary times, whether we are discussing minority movements seeking recognition and rights, or the growth of reactionary movements that are founded on identities that exclude difference and promote social behaviors hostile to marginalized subjects. In the psychoanalytic field, the issue of identity is sometimes treated as irrelevant to our discussions, using the argument that we work with identifications instead of identities and hastily ending the debate. With this article, we intend to assert the importance of the theme of identity for psychoanalysis and discuss, together with decolonial studies, ways of thinking about the issue that take into account its problematic aspects while highlighting modes of relationship with identities that are directed towards relationality and confronting the mechanisms of domination in the contemporary world. To this end, we aim to touch on the specificities of identity processes in contexts marked by the effects of the coloniality of power and to investigate how the works of Freud and Lacan can provide pathways for thinking about identity in accordance with the direction proposed by this study.

La identidad es un tema de gran relevancia política y social en la actualidad, ya sea cuando tratamos de movimientos minoritarios que buscan reconocimiento y derechos, o por el crecimiento de movimientos reaccionarios que se basan en identidades que excluyen la diferencia y promueven comportamientos sociales hostiles hacia sujetos alterizados. En el campo psicoanalítico, a veces se trata la cuestión de la identidad como ajena a nuestras discusiones, utilizando el argumento de que trabajamos con identificaciones en lugar de identidades y cerrando el debate precipitadamente. Con este artículo, pretendemos afirmar la importancia del tema de la identidad para el psicoanálisis y discutir, junto con los estudios decoloniales, maneras de pensar la cuestión que tengan en cuenta sus aspectos problemáticos y, al mismo tiempo, pongan en evidencia modos de relación con las identidades que se dirigen hacia la relacionalidad y hacia el enfrentamiento de los mecanismos de dominación del mundo contemporáneo. Buscamos abordar las especificidades de los procesos identitarios en los contextos marcados por los efectos de la colonialidad del poder e investigar cómo las obras freudiana y lacaniana pueden proporcionar caminos para pensar la identidad de acuerdo con la orientación propuesta por este estudio.

Psychoanalysis , Social Identification , Colonialism
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e76762, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526178


Objetivo:analisar elementos motivadores da construção da identidade profissional de enfermeiros do sistema prisional. Método: estudo histórico-social, qualitativo, sob o método de triangulação de fontes orais e documentais coletados de maio a dezembro de 2020, iluminado pelo referencial foucaultiano. Protocolo de pesquisa aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da instituição signatária. Resultados: a realização de concurso público para o sistema prisional foi motivada pela aquisição de estabilidade. Os enfermeiros concursados eram despreparados para cuidar de pessoas presas. A disciplina e os poderes exercidos pelos guardas e presos surpreenderam estes enfermeiros, que precisaram se adaptar ao sistema num contexto social marcado pela violência urbana. Considerações finais: destaca-se, na construção da identidade destes profissionais, a capacidade para contornar medos e inseguranças, exercício de poder disciplinar e normatização do cuidado para o enfrentamento do cotidiano do trabalho. Emerge a necessidade de capacitação de enfermeiros nesta área na formação profissional.

Objective: to analyze elements that motivate the construction of the professional identity of nurses in the prison system. Method: historical-social, qualitative study, under the method of triangulation of oral and documental sources collected from May to December 2020, illuminated by the Foucaultian reference. Approved by the Ethics and Research Committee. Results: the holding of a public tender for the prison system was motivated by the acquisition of stability. The registered nurses were unprepared to take care of prisoners. The discipline and powers exercised by guards and prisoners surprised these nurses, who had to adapt to the system in a social context marked by urban violence. Final considerations: in the construction of the identity of these professionals, the ability to overcome fears and insecurities, exercising disciplinary Power and standardizing care for coping with daily work is highlighted. The need to train nurses in thisarea in professional training emerges.

Objetivo: analizar elementos que motivan la construcción de la identidad profesional de las enfermeras en el sistema penitenciario. Método: estudio histórico-social, cualitativo, iluminado por el referente foucaultiano, que utiliza el método de triangulación de fuentes orales y documentales recolectadas de mayo a 20 de diciembre. El Comité de Ética en Investigación de la institución firmante aprobó el protocolo de investigación. Resultados: la realización de un concurso público para el sistema penitenciario estuvo motivada por la adquisición de estabilidad. Los enfermeros aprobados por ese concurso público no estaban preparados para cuidar a los presos. La disciplina y los poderes que ejercían los guardias y presos sorprendieron a estos enfermeros, que debieron adaptarse al sistema en un contexto social marcado por la violencia urbana. Consideraciones finales: en la construcción de la identidad de estos profesionales se destaca la capacidad de superación de miedos e inseguridades, ejercicio de poder disciplinario y estandarización de los cuidados para hacer frente al cotidiano del trabajo. Surge la necesidad de capacitar a enfermeros en esta área en la formación profesional.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 1255-1270, dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537936


Neste artigo, são percorridas algumas indicações feitas por Jacques Lacan sobre a função da superfície e da importância do traço para pensar topologicamente a identificação. Em seguida, a direção dada pelo autor para pensarmos a identificação - especialmente acerca da importância da superfície e da nomeação pelo Outro - é articulada com questões que têm sido discutidas no âmbito das relações raciais no Brasil, trazendo as contribuições de autores do campo das relações raciais como Stuart Hall, Frantz Fanon e Lélia Gonzalez. Situando o campo discursivo sobre as identidades raciais em um contexto nacional marcado, desde a primeira metade do século XX até os dias atuais, pela proposição e pela manutenção do mito da democracia racial por parte considerável da intelectualidade brasileira (branca), são recuperadas questões presentes no trabalho de Lacan para pensar como as identificações são atravessadas pela raça hoje, bem como para indagar discursos que têm desqualificado tais debates nos campos políticos e teóricos. Nas considerações finais, são apontadas algumas implicações dessa discussão para o exercício da clínica psicanalítica.

This article explores specific insights provided by Jacques Lacan regarding the role of surface and the relevance of trace in a topological understanding of identification. Subsequently, the study aligns Lacan's perspective on identification - particularly emphasizing the importance of surface and the Other's act of naming - with pertinent issues to Brazil's racial dynamics. It embodies insights from race relations' scholars such as Stuart Hall, Frantz Fanon, and Lélia Gonzalez. Placing the discourse on racial identities within the national context of Brazil, which has been shaped by the persistent myth of racial democracy propagated by a significant portion of the white Brazilian intellectual sphere from the mid-20th century to the present, this article retrieves Lacanian concepts to realize how contemporary identifications intersect with race. It also investigates discourses that have marginalized these discussions in both political and theoretical realms. In its final considerations, the article underscores the implications of this discourse for psychoanalytic clinical practice.

En este artículo se exploran algunas indicaciones hechas por Jacques Lacan sobre la función de la superficie y la importancia de la traza para abordar topológicamente la identificación. Luego, se conecta la dirección proporcionada por el autor para reflexionar sobre la identificación, especialmente en relación con la importancia de la superficie y la nominación por el Otro, con cuestiones que han sido discutidas en el ámbito de las relaciones raciales en Brasil, incorporando las contribuciones de autores en el campo de las relaciones raciales como Stuart Hall, Frantz Fanon y Lélia Gonzalez. Al situar el campo discursivo sobre las identidades raciales en un contexto nacional marcado desde la primera mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad por la proposición y el mantenimiento del mito de la democracia racial por una parte significativa de la intelectualidad brasileña (blanca), se retoman aspectos presentes en el trabajo de Lacan para analizar cómo las identificaciones son atravesadas por la raza en la actualidad, así como para investigar discursos que han descalificado tales debates en los ámbitos político y teórico. En las consideraciones finales, se señalan algunas implicaciones de esta discusión para el ejercicio de la clínica psicoanalítica.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 1542-1559, dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538282


O presente artigo propõe apresentar algumas contribuições da psicanálise para entender os aspectos subjetivos e políticos presentes no ódio. No atual contexto sociopolítico brasileiro este afeto tem figurado enquanto discurso predominante e espaços como as redes sociais digitais têm se tornado cada vez mais um campo fértil para a sua propagação e legitimação, sendo por vezes sustentado e fomentado pelo aparato institucional público. Esta pesquisa teve como ponto de partida a releitura e reflexão crítica dos textos freudianos, como os que trazem os conceitos de identificação e narcisismo, centrais para entender o que mobiliza e potencializa a incidência deste afeto bem como seus efeitos na contemporaneidade. Neste percurso foi constatado que o ódio comparece sempre na relação com o outro a partir da intolerância a alguma diferença que representa uma ameaça às ilusões narcísicas do sujeito. Embora seja considerado um afeto constitutivo do ser humano, é também um fenômeno cultural, social e político, podendo tornar-se potencialmente destrutivo para a humanidade quando o objetivo se torna segregar pessoas e grupos a fim de se eliminar as diferenças.

This article presents some contributions of psychoanalysis to understand the subjective and political aspects of hatred. In the current Brazilian sociopolitical context, hatred has figured as a predominant discourse, thus, spaces like digital social networks have become a fertile field for its propagation and legitimation, sometimes with the support and instigation of the public institutional apparatus. This study has as its starting point the critical reflection of Freudian texts that address concepts of identification and narcissism, central to understanding what mobilizes and enhances the incidence of this emotion, as well as its effects in contemporary times. In this analysis, it was found that hatred always appears in relationships based on intolerance to differences that might represent a threat to the subject's narcissistic illusions. Although it is considered a constitutive emotion of the human being, hatred is also a cultural, social and political phenomenon, and can become potentially destructive for humanity if used to segregate people and groups in order to eliminate differences.

Este artículo se propone presentar algunos aportes del psicoanálisis para comprender los aspectos subjetivos y políticos presentes en el odio. En el contexto sociopolítico brasileño actual, este afecto ha figurado como un discurso predominante y espacios, como las redes sociales digitales, se han convertido cada vez más en un campo fértil para su propagación y legitimación, siendo a veces apoyado y fomentado por el aparato institucional público. Esta investigación tuvo como punto de partida la relectura y reflexión crítica de textos freudianos, como aquellos que traen los conceptos de identificación y narcisismo, centrales para comprender lo que moviliza y potencia la incidencia de este afecto, así como sus efectos en la contemporaneidad. En ese camino, se constató que el odio siempre aparece en la relación con el otro a partir de la intolerancia a alguna diferencia que representa una amenaza para las ilusiones narcisistas del sujeto. Aunque se considera un afecto constitutivo del ser humano, también es un fenómeno cultural, social y político, y puede volverse potencialmente destructivo para la humanidad cuando el objetivo pasa a ser segregar personas y grupos para eliminar las diferencias.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(2): 79-86, 2023-10-13.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525610


Dentre as diversas técnicas de identificação humana na Odontologia Forense, a análise pericial do sorriso vem destacando-se recentemente, pelo fato dos dentes apresentarem características individualizadoras e com relevante potencial identificador. Dentre as várias técnicas de análise pericial do sorriso, três se destacam: comparação direta, sobreposição computadorizada e delineamento incisal, sendo que cada uma possui vantagens e limitações. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar, por meio de um relato de caso pericial as vantagens e limitações do uso da fotografia de sorriso para a identificação humana. Conclui-se que as fotografias de sorriso, como qualquer outro material utilizado para identificação humana, podem ser utilizadas isoladamente ou em conjunto com outros métodos de identificação, sendo que a comparação direta foi o método mais efetivo para o caso analisado

Among several human identification techniques used in Forensic Dentistry, the smile analysis has recently been increased its used due the teeth uniqueness and their identification potential in several cases. Three smile exam techniques are more frequently used: direct comparation, computerized overlap and incisal outline. This paper aims to show a case report of a human identification using smile photograph, as well presents its advantages and limitations. It was concluded that smile photographs, as any other identification method, can be used alone and in addition with other methods. The direct comparation was the most effective to the analyzed case

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525611


Introdução: A odontologia legal permite a identificação humana por meio da comparação de dados observados em uma documentação odontológica ante mortem (AM) com as informações coletadas post mortem (PM), sendo os exames radiográficos grandes aliados neste processo. Objetivo: Demostrar a contribuição da radiografia panorâmica como fonte de informação para a identificação humana. Relato do caso: foi encaminhado um corpo carbonizado, com parte da região bucomaxilofacial preservada e que ao exame necroscópico era possível identificar a presença de restaurações e ausências dentais. A apresentação de radiografia panorâmica anterior à morte e a realização de exame radiográfico panorâmico no corpo carbonizado possibilitou a comparação de pontos coincidentes e divergências explicáveis, permitindo a identificação positiva do caso. Conclusão: Ao final da perícia foi determinada a identidade da vítima e foi comprovada a importância da radiografia panorâmica para a identificação humana com base em caracteres identificadores anatômicos e terapêuticos presentes no complexo bucomaxilofacial

Introduction: Forensic dentistry allows human identification through the comparison of data observed in ante-mortem (AM) dental documentation with information collected post-mortem (PM), with radiographic examinations being great allies in this process. Objective: To demonstrate the contribution of panoramic radiography as a source of information for human identification. Case report: a charred body was sent, with part of the oral and maxillofacial region preserved and upon necroscopic examination it was possible to identify the presence of restorations and missing teeth. The presentation of a panoramic radiograph prior to death and the performance of a panoramic radiographic examination of the charred body made it possible to compare coincident points and explainable divergences, allowing positive identification of the case. Conclusion: At the end of the forensic examination of the case, the identity of the victim was determined and the importance of panoramic radiography for human identification based on anatomical and therapeutic identifying characters present in the oral and maxillofacial complex was proven

Rev. crim ; 65(3): 137-148, 20230910. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538411


La rueda de reconocimiento es una diligencia de investigación policial orientada a identificar al autor de un crimen. Se trata de una práctica relativamente frecuente que puede tener como resultado consolidar sospechas o también descartar líneas de investigación. La rueda de reconocimiento suele estar precedida de la exposición de un álbum de fotos y también es frecuente solicitar al mismo testigo que haga una descripción o un retrato robot del atacante. Existen fundadas sospechas de que la concatenación de estas diligencias policiales de identificación desvirtúa la eficacia de la declaración del testigo presencial para elegir al verdadero culpable, en caso de que esté presente en la rueda. También existen algunas controversias con respecto a la fiabilidad de la rueda de reconocimiento en función de la edad del testigo, del número de personas que la conforman, del procedimiento para llevarla a cabo, entre otras. Con el objetivo de acotar la evidencia empírica en torno a estas cuestiones, se presenta una revisión de estudios meta-analíticos y diversos estudios experimentales, desde los cuales se han podido identificar los procedimientos más adecuados para optimizar la eficacia en la precisión de la declaración de los testigos presenciales de un delito en el contexto de una rueda de reconocimiento.

The line-up is a police investigative procedure aimed at identifying the perpetrator of a crime. It is a relatively common practice that can result in consolidating suspicions or ruling out lines of investigation. The identification parade is usually preceded by the exhibition of a photo album and it is also common to ask the same witness to make a description or sketch of the perpetrator. There are strong suspicions that the concatenation of these police identification steps undermines the effectiveness of the eyewitness statement in identifying the real culprit, if present at the line-up. There is also some controversy regarding the reliability of the identification parade, depending on the age of the witness, the number of people involved, the procedure for carrying it out, among others. In order to narrow down the empirical evidence on these issues, a review of meta-analytical studies and various experimental studies is presented, based on which it has been possible to identify the most appropriate procedures to optimise the effectiveness in the accuracy of eyewitness testimony in the context of a line-up.

A roda de reconhecimento é um procedimento de investigação policial que visa identificar o autor de um crime. É uma prática relativamente comum que pode resultar na consolidação de suspeitas ou na exclusão de linhas de investigação. A roda de identificação é geralmente precedida pela exibição de um álbum de fotos e é comum pedir à mesma testemunha que faça uma descrição ou um esboço do autor do crime. Há fortes suspeitas de que a concatenação dessas etapas de identificação policial prejudica a eficácia do depoimento da testemunha ocular na identificação do verdadeiro culpado, se presente nessa fase. Há também alguma controvérsia quanto à confiabilidade da roda de reconhecimento, dependendo da idade da testemunha, do número de pessoas envolvidas, do procedimento para realizá-la, entre outros. A fim de restringir as evidências empíricas sobre essas questões, é apresentada uma revisão de estudos metanalíticos e experimentais, a partir dos quais foi possível identificar os procedimentos mais adequados para otimizar a eficácia na precisão do depoimento de testemunhas oculares no contexto de uma roda de reconhecimento.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 733-742, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514294


En la última década, la odontología forense se ha enfocado en el desarrollo de metodologías para la estimación de edad (EE) debido a la gran demanda en procesos identificatorios. Entre esas técnicas, el conteo de anulaciones del cemento dental (TCA) ha ofrecido resultados promisorios, pero también contradictorios que han generado dudas sobre su precisión y confiabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar, establecer alcances, e identificar las limitaciones del conteo de TCA según los actuales estándares normativos y metodológicos. Se realizó una revisión con búsqueda sistemática del método de conteo de TCA para EE incluyendo estudios experimentales y notas técnicas en las bases PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) y Embase. Se emplearon los términos "estimation", "age" y "cementum", con búsqueda manual complementaria en Google Scholar. Se excluyeron revisiones, estudios en colecciones arqueológicas, estudios radiológicos y cartas al editor. La búsqueda arrojó un total de 273 artículos, seleccionándose 27 que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La mayoría de los estudios fueron publicados en Asia, particularmente en India (n=21). Sólo 6 artículos declararon el número total de individuos, tipos de diente y de cortes histológicos, siendo el premolar el más estudiado. Apenas dos artículos evaluaron la calidad de la muestra a analizar mediante legibilidad de los cortes obtenidos. El test más empleado para evaluar la precisión del método fue el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (n=21). Estos hallazgos exponen la alta heterogeneidad reportada en las metodologías de EE mediante conteo por TCA, por lo que aún no existe un proceso estandarizado que abarque todas sus etapas y entregue resultados confiables siguiendo los estándares jurídicos actuales para la evidencia científica. Un mayor control de las limitaciones técnicas detectadas aumentará el valor como prueba en un contexto identificatorio legal o forense.

SUMMARY: In the last decade, forensic odontology has focused on the development of age estimation (AE) methodologies due to the great request in identification processes. Among these techniques, the tooth cementum annulation (TCA) count method has offered promising but also contradictory results, raising questions about its accuracy and reliability. The aim of this work was to characterize, establish the scope, and identify the limitations of the TCA count method according to the current normative and methodological standards. A scoping review was carried out for TCA count methods for AE, including experimental studies and technical notes in the PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and Embase databases. The terms "estimation", "age" and "cementum" were used, with a complementary manual search in Google Scholar. Reviews, studies in archaeological collections, radiological studies and letters to the editor were excluded. The search yielded a total of 273 articles, selecting 27 of them that met the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies were published in Asia, particularly India (n=21). Only 6 articles declared the total number of individuals, types of teeth, and histological sections, with the premolar being the most studied. Only two articles evaluated the quality of the sample to be analyzed through the legibility of the cuts obtained. The most widely used test to assess the precision of the method was the Pearson correlation coefficient (n=21). These findings expose the high heterogeneity reported in EE methodologies by counting TCA, so there is still no standardized process that covers in all its stages and delivers reliable results following current legal standards for scientific evidence. More control of the detected technical limitations will increase the value as evidence in a legal or forensic identification context.

Humans , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Dental Cementum/anatomy & histology , Forensic Dentistry
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(1): 09-18, 2023-06-26.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525061


A rugoscopia palatina analisa os padrões das rugas e suas características para cada indivíduo, podendo auxiliar a odontologia forense na identificação humana. Apesar de ser um método descrito na literatura a certo tempo, ainda existem poucos estudos utilizando imagens digitais. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a viabilidade da rugoscopia palatina através do método digital. Foram recrutados 30 alunos matriculados no curso de odontologia da Universidade São Francisco, mediante autorização do comitê de ética em pesquisa. A pesquisadora 1 realizou o escaneamento intraoral da arcada superior dos voluntários e o processamento e identificação dos modelos, dividindo-os em grupo A, composto pelo arco superior completo identificado de 1 a 30 e B pelo recorte da região de interesse, anterior e média do palato, enumerado de 1' a 30', os números foram dispostos de forma aleatória e registrados em uma tabela. Por se tratar de um estudo cego, a pesquisadora 2 só participou da segunda fase da pesquisa, exportando os modelos digitais em um software para analisar e classificar as rugas palatinas. A pesquisadora 2 realizou o levantamento total de rugas por indivíduo e correlacionou os modelos do grupo A com os do grupo B, obtendo um resultado de 100% de acertos. A análise do padrão de rugas é confiável, precisa e vantajosa, porém padronizar a classificação facilitaria sua reprodutibilidade. Tendo em vista o aumento do uso de tecnologias na odontologia, sugere-se que o método digital seja a linha de primeira escolha para o processo de identificação

Palatal rugoscopy analyzes the wrinkle patterns and their characteristics for each individual, and can assist forensic odontology in human identification. Despite being a method described in the literature for some time, there are still few studies using digital images. The aim of this study was to verify the feasibility of palatal rugoscopy using the digital method. Thirty students enrolled in the dentistry course at University of São Francisco were recruited, with the consent of the ethics in research committee. Researcher 1 performed the intraoral scanning of the upper arch of the volunteers and the processing and identification of the models, dividing them into group A, composed of the complete upper arch identified from 1 to 30, and B for the region of interest, anterior and midpalate, numbered from 1' to 30', the numbers were randomly arranged and recorded in a table. Since this was a blind study, researcher 2 only participated in the second phase of the research, exporting the digital models in a software to analyze and classify the palatal wrinkles. Researcher 2 performed the total survey of wrinkles per individual and correlated the models from group A with those from group B, obtaining a result of 100% correct. The wrinkle pattern analysis is reliable, precise, and advantageous, but standardizing the classification would facilitate its reproducibility. Given the increased use of technology in dentistry, it is suggested that the digital method be the first choice line for the identification process